Professional Fly Fishing Services provided in Munich!

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Hecht Isar

Guided Fly Fishing for Northern Pike

You are on vacation in Bavaria, Germany? Fly Fishing Germany is situated in Munich and we have loads of pike fly fishing gems around our doorstep. Or do you want to learn fly fishing for pike? It’s great fun!

Guided Fly Fishing for Northern Pike


Guided Fly Fishing for Trout

Trout fishing is a piece of cake? Not always. Especially if you only have one day to fish during your family vacation. Fly Fishing Germany can offer guided fly fishing trips for trout and grayling in Bavaria, Germany. Just within 30 minutes around Munich we can show you great fly fishing.

Guided fly fishing for trout and grayling

Karpfen Zwingsee

Guided Fly Fishing for Carp

Fly fishing for carp is the best adventure you will Experimente in the freshwater fly fishing world. Carp tend to be very careful, when taking flies and yet carp are powerful fish. Fly Fishing Germany can bring you to your fish of a lifetime.

Fly Fishing for Carp

Client references of Fly Fishing Germany

Claes Johansson - CEO and founder of J:son Match'n Catch | Fly Fishing Germany
Stefan Bauer - Vision Fly Fishing Pro Team Member and fly tying guru | Fly Fishing Germany

Lake Foerchensee in Bavaria

Lake Foerchensee in Bavaria


Guided fly fishing on lakes and other stillwaters in Germany and Austria

Stillwaters can sometimes be difficult to fly fish. Especially if you are not familiar with the water and the fish living in it. We will show you how to tackle any new stillwater. Fly Fishing Germany will show how you can adopt your fly fishing tactics in order to catch more and bigger fish on the fly.

Guided fly fishing on lakes and other slitters in Germany and Austria

Fly fishing the Traun river

Fly fishing the Traun river


Guided fly fishing on rivers and streams in Germany and Austria

Fly fishing on rivers and streams is in my opinion the best fly fishing one can have on this earth. It doesn’t matter if you are fly fishing on big or small rivers, you will learn something new everyday you are out on the water casting your fly. Rivers and streams can be your teachers, if you let them teach you. If you don’t know where to start fly fishing on rivers and streams, Fly Fishing Germany can help you. We have the local knowledge to show you which spots are best for your skill set.

Guided fly fishing on rivers and streams in Germany and Austria


There’s more to life than fly fishing.

Fly tying is important too!

Hecht Gmundner Traun Frank Mueller

Fly tying seminar – Pike and Huchen streamers

You are interested in learning how to tie Pike and Huchen / Taimen streamers? Actually fly tying those streamers is easy. Fly Fishing Germany will show you how to tie Pike streamers, that are long lasting and catch loads of fish. Ideally on a 1 on 1 basis.
Fly tying seminar – Pike and Taimen streamers


Fly tying seminar – Classic trout flies

The classic fly tying seminar. Adams. Red Tag. Pheasant Tail. Wooly Bugger. You name the fly pattern and Fly Fishing Germany will show you how it’s done. If you are interested I can show you my favourite discipline modern and fish catching streamers.
Fly tying seminars in Munich


Fly tying seminar – Realistic flies

You always wondered how those realistic flies are tied? Fly Fishing Germany can teach you in one of our Realistics fly tying seminar how you can achieve good results with the wonderful J:Son Sweden Fly Tying System.
J:son Fly Tying in Munich, Germany

Give us a call under +49 176 1367 3553 or drop a mail

We can’t guarantee you fish, but we can guarantee you we will do everything needed.